Getting PDUs for Your Meeting School Course

These Meeting School Courses teach skills that fall within the Leadership Education part of the PMITM Talent Triangle.

To register your PDUs, you need:

  • The name of the course
  • Dates of enrollment
  • Provider: Meeting School by Lucid Meetings
  • A course description

You will see sample values you can copy and paste in the final lecture of each course.

Learn more about PMI PDUs here.

Evidence for Audits

You will receive a digital certificate of completion when you complete all the lectures in a course. Print this out for your records.

Give Back and Earn More

You can earn additional PDUs by sharing what you learn with the community. Here are some suggestions.

Giving Back to the Profession

Create Content

Write a post about how you lead project meetings on LinkedIn or your company's blog. If you think it's great, contact us to be featured on the Lucid Meetings blog. Every hour spent creating content earns 1 PDU. You will need copies of your publications as evidence for audits.

Give a Presentation

Share what you learned with your team. You should do this anyway, since you are meeting with these people and want everyone you meet with to meet well. Each hour you spend presenting what you learned earns 1 PDU. You will need copies of your presentation as evidence for audits.