
You now work from anywhere.

Your office is remote-first and fully digital. Welcome to your new reality.

When the pandemic began in 2020, your team made the switch to remote work faster than you thought possible. And, you found it worked better than you hoped!

But now, it's clear that this isn't just a few weeks of making-do. Remote work is your primary way of working.

Team leaders from around the world just like you are struggling because the ad-hoc systems you put in place to help you cope with what you thought was only a temporary situation are now breaking down.

Your teams are burning out.

Signs That Your Approach to Remote Work Isn't Working

  • Your team complains about meeting fatigue because “suddenly, every conversation has to be a meeting”
  • People are losing focus and tuning out
  • Some people doing all the talking, while others remain silent - day after day
  • You’re missing opportunities to have the really important conversations, because you get stuck spending time on topics you know could have been covered another way
  • Your team's getting frustrated because they often can't find the information they need to do their work
  • Team members can't tell if someone's available when need a response
  • People use multiple communication channels in all different ways, causing confusion and frequent delays
  • Your team struggles to make good decisions because they lack information and exclude distant team members
  • Your team feels like you're talking all the time, but still only covering a fraction of what you need to get done

Get the Most Out of Virtual Team Meetings for Better Collaboration and Sustainable Remote Communication

Whether you’re a virtual team leader, meeting facilitator, or a member of a virtual team struggling to collaborate and communicate more effectively across time and distance, this four-part virtual workshop series can up your game.

In this series, you'll learn how to:

Lead Productive Meetings

Make the best use of precious virtual team meeting time by learning how to keep people engaged and focused. You'll learn how to design agendas to ensure the most relevant conversations take place, and which topics you should skip. You'll also learn how to find the right time to meet when your team is scattered across time zones.

Prevent and Manage Dysfunction

Create team norms and identify roles that can boost productivity and keep people focused and accountable for following through.

Manage difficult virtual meeting behavior, so you can diplomatically yet assertively help team members stay focused and respectful.

Create a Sustainable System

Build a communications system for your team that goes beyond meetings to effectively use multiple communication channels—such as team portals, social channels, emails, chat threads, IMs, and 1:1 and team meetings—to strengthen collaboration, improve communications, and speed time to results across time and distance.

Nancy Settle-Murphy

Nancy Settle-Murphy is a world-renowned expert at helping global teams to navigate cultural differences and build trust.

Nancy brings a powerful blend of strong communication and facilitative consulting skills to her work with clients. She designs, plans and facilitates highly-productive meetings and learning workshops for teams and companies around the world. Her expertise has been sought by clients in many industries, including nonprofits, biotech, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, energy companies, manufacturing, government and high-tech.

Recent clients include IBM, Kronos, Trip Advisor, the National Park Service, Dassault Systemes, and Draeger Medical Systems, which means enrolling in this class puts you in good company!

Trusted by these fine companies

How it Works

This course includes four 90-minute live, interactive workshops.

Each workshop will be followed by a 30-minute coaching clinic, giving you time to get live answers to your unique challenges.

You'll receive tips guides, templates and other reference material throughout this series, both prior to and after each module, making it easy for you to put what you're learning to work right away.

A modest amount of pre-work is required before each module, so we can model best practices for engaging all participants at the outset.

Clear your schedule so you can be fully present for each. We'll meet using Zoom, collaborate on our ideas using MeetingSphere, and experiment with other useful remote team technologies.

Powerful Stuff

“It is a powerful learning journey working with Nancy. Her attention to detail, ability to collaborate and depth of knowledge have made all the projects we’ve collaborated on to date a success. Thank you for adding value at every turn!”

Amy Vine, Organizational Development and Learning Director, Commonwealth Care Alliance

Book a Private Workshop

Seeking help for 10 or more team members?

Interested in tailoring the session content for your unique work environment?

Contact us about booking a private workshop series.


How can we access this series?

If you have a group of 8 or more, you can book this series as a private workshop.

Will the sessions be recorded?

Yes, we record each session so you can refer back to it later and post these recordings in private are for your group to access as needed. That said, each session includes many opportunities to work in small groups. These small group conversations won't be recorded. 

Does the course include reference material, templates, examples, or other resources we can use to apply what we learn in these sessions?

Yes, all participants will have access to reference material and resources to make it easy to use what you've learned in the workshop at any time.

Learning from a Master

“Our Team is grateful for the opportunity to learn from Nancy at our recent Facilitation Skills Workshop. Her deep knowledge of Facilitation Skills was obvious at every turn, from the planning process, the way she modeled best practices, her communication style, responsiveness, attention to detail, and ability to customize and understand her audience to deliver the best experience possible.”

David Thomson, Midwest Regional Director, National Park Service